Higher Education Accreditation has never been as Streamlined as we aspire to be!
College Accreditation
Within the realm of higher education, an institution serves as a dedicated community, committed to the welfare of students, the dissemination of knowledge, the exploration of values, and the progress of the society it serves. The Association of College Accreditors mandates stringent accreditation standards, intricately woven into each institution's mission and rooted in a culture of ethical conduct and institutional integrity, as expected from accredited institutions. By meeting ACA's exacting accreditation standards, institutions attain accredited status, thereby guaranteeing students and the wider public a commitment to excellence in higher education.
Throughout the annals of history, our identity has been closely intertwined with the responsibility of fostering trust and instilling confidence in the realm of higher education. As the institutional accreditor, the Commission takes great pride in advocating for sincere self-reflection, which in turn catalyzes substantive transformations within our member institutions.
We assess the quality of higher education through a triad of peer review, assessment, and evaluation. An institution secures accreditation when the educational community confirms, through introspection and peer review, that it not only achieves its mission but also makes strides towards fulfilling institutional goals. The extent to which each institution embraces and fulfills the inherent responsibilities of the accreditation process stands as a testament to its unwavering dedication to perpetual enhancement.
Our Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation function as perpetual guides, offering direction to institutions embarking on the journey toward membership, as well as to candidate institutions seeking initial accreditation, and to accredited institutions pursuing reaffirmation through active introspection and peer assessment. Institutions are charged with demonstrating adherence to our Standards for Accreditation, Requirements of Affiliation, policies, and procedures, all while complying with relevant federal regulatory requirements. They are further expected to conduct their activities in alignment with these established standards, all the while actively participating in an ongoing process of introspection and continuous betterment. Accredited institutions, in their pursuit of excellence and innovation, rigorously employ quality assurance, continuous improvement, innovation, and systematic, periodic, and sustained assessment across all facets of their operations.
Contained within this document, each standard is presented succinctly, accompanied by criteria that, when considered within the framework of an institution's mission, serve as tangible indicators of compliance. These criteria delineate the attributes that encapsulate each standard and are holistically employed to assess how effectively an institution aligns with these standards.
Core Principles of Accreditation
Core Principles
The analysis of each of our seven standards is underpinned by five fundamental principles, owing to their paramount importance in the realm of higher education.
Integration of Standards within the Institution's Mission and Objectives
Our accreditation standards are deliberately applied within the unique framework of each institution's mission and objectives. These standards intentionally prioritize functions over rigid structures, acknowledging the diverse array of educational and operational models that contribute to excellence.
Prioritizing the Student Experience
Our standards place a central emphasis on the student learning experience. Institutions are tasked with crafting and delivering learning experiences aligned with their mission, fostering a supportive learning environment, and enhancing student learning outcomes through rigorous, coherent, and well-assessed educational offerings. This includes ensuring that students acquire and demonstrate essential skills, including oral and written communication, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical analysis, technological proficiency, and information literacy. The institution's general education program must also encompass the study of values, ethics, and diverse perspectives. Additionally, institutions are committed to promoting student retention, persistence, completion, and success through a robust support system staffed by qualified professionals, thus enriching the learning environment and bolstering student achievement.
Emphasizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Throughout the seven standards, institutions are called upon to deeply consider and disclose their efforts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the context of their mission. This entails addressing DEI goals and actions, demographics, policies, curriculum, assessments, and resource allocation. DEI reflection aims to rectify any observed disparities in the educational experience of an increasingly diverse student population. Throughout the standards, institutions are tasked with defining DEI and respective populations, adhering to best practices, and maintaining data integrity and security.
Data-Driven Decision-Making
Our standards underscore a commitment to data-based decision-making. Institutions are required to analyze a range of data, including disaggregated data, to ensure the equitable service of students and the attainment of institutional mission and objectives. This analysis includes both the data mandated by the Commission and additional data utilized by the institution. It is imperative that institutions adhere to the Commission's expectations regarding evidence, which encompasses various data considerations that align with higher education norms and the institution's mission. Regular and systematic evaluation and assessment enable institutions to demonstrate their dedication to reflective practices. Our standards offer opportunities to assess progress toward institutional goals, leveraging assessment results for continuous improvement and innovative practices that ensure the highest quality for all stakeholders.
Embracing Innovation
Recognizing institutions as dynamic entities that evolve for the benefit of students and communities, our seven standards demonstrate our commitment to fostering innovation. These standards allow institutions to explore innovative practices within the context of their mission and their diverse student populations served.
Mission, Vision, and Core Principles
At the core of our mission, the Association of College Accreditors (ACA) champions educational excellence through innovative practices within a diverse range of institutions.
Our vision is to emerge as a leading advocate and influencer in higher education, utilizing accreditation as a powerful tool for the advancement of our member institutions and the betterment of students.
Core Principles
Our foundational principles underpin our interactions, both internal and external, fostering personal and collective growth, creativity, collaboration, accountability, and equitable treatment. These principles are:
-Safeguarding the Future: We ensure the preservation of educational quality by holding member institutions to rigorous and comprehensive standards.
-Guiding for Good: As an independent voice in higher education, we propel discovery and progress within our community and society.
-Setting the Standard: We advocate for quality through transparent introspection, institutional development, and meaningful transformation.
Requirements for Affiliation
In order to qualify for, attain, and sustain accreditation from the Association of College Accreditors, an institution is required to exhibit compliance with our affiliation prerequisites. This compliance is expected to be continuous and will be periodically assessed, typically during institutional self-study and any other evaluations of the institution's adherence. Once eligibility is confirmed, the institution must continually demonstrate compliance with the accreditation standards.
The institution must possess the authorization or licensure necessary to operate as a postsecondary educational institution and confer postsecondary degrees. Written documentation validating both the authorization or licensure should be provided. Such authorization or licensure must be granted by the appropriate governmental organization or agency, as mandated by the jurisdictions, regions, or countries where the institution operates.
Institutions offering solely postsecondary certificates, diplomas, or licenses are not eligible for accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
The institution must be in active operation, with students currently enrolled in its degree programs.
For institutions seeking candidate for accreditation status or accreditation grants, the institution must have graduated at least one class before the team visit for accreditation grant consideration, unless the institution can sufficiently demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Commission, that the absence of graduates does not compromise its ability to showcase the attainment of appropriate learning outcomes by students.
The institution is required to communicate with the Commission in English, both verbally and in writing, including all accreditation materials used to support the multi-level accreditation decision-making process.
Standard I
Standard I
Mission and Goals
The institution’s mission defines its purpose within the context of higher education, the students it serves, and what it intends to accomplish. The institution’s stated goals are clearly linked to its mission and specify how the institution fulfills its mission.
A candidate or accredited institution possesses and demonstrates the following attributes or activities:
1. clearly defined mission and goals that:
a. are developed through appropriate collaborative and inclusive participation by all who facilitate or are otherwise responsible for institutional development and improvement;
b. address external as well as internal contexts and constituencies;
c. are approved and supported by the governing body;
d. guide faculty, administration, staff, and governing structures in making decisions related to planning, resource allocation, program and curricular development, and the definition of institutional and educational outcomes;
e. include support of scholarly inquiry and creative activity, at levels and of the type appropriate to the institution;
f. are publicized and widely known by the institution’s internal stakeholders;
g. are periodically evaluated;
2. institutional goals that are realistic, appropriate to higher education, and consistent with mission;
3. outcomes and student achievement that
a. include retention, graduation, transfer, and placement rates;
b. consider diversity, equity, and inclusion principles;
c. are supported by administrative, educational, and student support programs and services;
d. prioritize institutional improvement; and
4. periodic assessment of mission and goals to ensure they are relevant and achievable.
Standard II
Standard II
Ethical Principles and Integrity
Ethical principles and integrity stand as paramount and defining characteristics of effective higher education institutions. In all engagements, whether internal or external, an institution must remain loyal to its mission, uphold its commitments and obligations, adhere to its policies, and represent itself with honesty.
A candidate or accredited institution demonstrates and upholds the following attributes or actions:
A dedication to academic freedom, intellectual freedom, freedom of expression, and the safeguarding of intellectual property rights.
A conducive environment that nurtures mutual respect among students, faculty, staff, and administration, regardless of diverse backgrounds, ideas, and perspectives.
An established and disseminated grievance policy to address student, faculty, or staff complaints or grievances. The institution's policies and procedures are designed to be equitable and impartial, ensuring that grievances are promptly and fairly resolved.
The avoidance of conflicts of interest or the perception of such conflicts in all activities and among all stakeholders.
Fair and unbiased employment practices, spanning all aspects of hiring, evaluation, promotion, discipline, and separation, with due consideration for diversity.
Truthfulness and honesty in public relations communications, advertisements, recruitment and admission materials and practices, as well as in internal communications.
As appropriate to its mission, the institution has policies, services, or programs in place to:
a. Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.
b. Enhance affordability and accessibility.
c. Empower students to comprehend funding sources and options, assess the value received for costs, and make informed decisions regarding debt.
Adherence to all applicable government laws and regulations, along with Commission policies and procedures, encompassing but not limited to:
a. Provision of necessary information for students and the public.
b. Representation of accreditation status.
c. Complete disclosure of data pertaining to institution-wide assessments, graduation rates, retention rates, certification and licensure exam pass rates, and compliance with the Commission's Requirements of Affiliation.
d. Verification of student identity in distance and correspondence education.
e. Prompt and accurate disclosure of substantive changes that affect the institution's mission, objectives, programs, operations, sites, and other significant matters.
Periodic evaluation of ethics and integrity, as reflected in institutional policies, processes, practices, and their implementation.
Standard III
Standard III
Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience
An institution offers students learning experiences that embody rigor and coherence across all program levels, whether they lead to certificates, undergraduate, graduate, or professional degrees, irrespective of instructional format. These learning experiences, regardless of format, program pace, level, or setting, align with the expectations of higher education.
A candidate or accredited institution demonstrates and upholds the following attributes or actions:
Programs leading to certificates, undergraduate, graduate, or other recognized higher education credentials:
a. Are meticulously designed to foster a unified student learning journey and facilitate the integration of learning.
b. Are assigned an appropriate number of credit hours (or equivalent value) commensurate with the effort expended by students.
c. Encompass adequate course content and program duration that align with the objectives of the degree or credential.
Student learning experiences are developed, delivered, and assessed by faculty (full-time or part-time) and/or other qualified professionals who:
a. Exhibit rigor and effectiveness in teaching, assessing student learning, engaging in scholarly inquiry, and contributing to service, in alignment with the institution's mission, goals, and policies.
b. Possess the necessary qualifications for their roles and responsibilities.
c. Are present in sufficient numbers, including a core of faculty (full- or part-time) and/or other relevant professionals with substantial institutional responsibilities, ensuring the continuity and coherence of the institution's educational programs.
d. Are afforded ample opportunities, resources, and support for professional development and innovation.
e. Undergo regular and equitable evaluations based on transparent, disseminated, equitable, and well-defined criteria, expectations, policies, and procedures.
Academic programs of study are accurately and clearly delineated in the institution's official publications, enabling students to comprehend and adhere to degree and program requirements, as well as expected timeframes for completion.
Adequate learning experiences and resources are available to support both the institution's academic programs and the academic progress of all student demographics.
In institutions offering undergraduate education, a general education program, whether as a standalone or integrated into academic disciplines, is in place, ensuring that it:
a. Encompasses a breadth that introduces students to novel realms of intellectual exploration, broadens their cultural and global awareness, enhances their cultural sensitivity, and equips them to make informed judgments both within and beyond their academic field.
b. Encompasses a curriculum designed to equip students with essential skills, including but not limited to oral and written communication, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical analysis and reasoning, technological proficiency, and information literacy. Consistent with the institution's mission, the general education program also includes the study of values, ethics, and diverse perspectives.
c. In non-U.S. institutions that lack general education, provides evidence that students can demonstrate general education skills.
In institutions offering graduate and professional education, opportunities are available for the development of research, scholarship, and independent thinking, facilitated by faculty and/or other professionals possessing qualifications appropriate for graduate-level curricula.
Any student learning opportunities designed, delivered, or assessed by third-party providers undergo thorough institutional review and approval.
Periodic assessments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of student learning experiences for all student populations.
Standard IV
Standard IV
Supporting the Student Experience
Throughout all educational encounters, environments, levels, and modes of instruction, the institution actively seeks and admits students whose interests, abilities, experiences, and aspirations align with its mission and educational offerings. The institution is dedicated to fostering student retention, persistence, completion, and triumph through an integrated and efficient support system led by qualified professionals. This system enhances the quality of the learning environment, enriches the educational experience, and cultivates student success.
A candidate or accredited institution demonstrates and upholds the following attributes or actions:
Well-defined and ethical policies, procedures, and practices for recruiting, admitting, retaining, and facilitating the success of students whose interests, capabilities, backgrounds, and objectives reasonably anticipate success and align with the institutional mission, including:
a. Accurate and comprehensive information regarding tuition, financial aid, scholarships, grants, loans, repayment, and refunds.
b. A process for identifying, placing, and assisting students who may not be adequately prepared for their enrolled level of study.
c. Orientation, advising, and counseling initiatives to bolster retention and guide students throughout their educational journey.
d. Processes aimed at enhancing student achievement, encompassing certificate and degree completion, transfer to other institutions, and post-completion placement.
e. Mechanisms to disaggregate and analyze student achievement data, informing the implementation of strategies for improved outcomes across all student demographics.
Fair and transparent policies and procedures governing the assessment and acceptance of transfer credits, credits earned through experiential learning, prior non-academic learning, competency-based assessments, and other unconventional learning approaches.
Policies and procedures that ensure the secure and confidential handling of student information and records.
If offered, athletic programs, student life activities, and other extracurricular endeavors are governed by the same academic, financial, and administrative principles and procedures that apply to all other programs.
If relevant, there is adequate and suitable institutional oversight and approval of student support services delivered, designed, or assessed by third-party providers.
Regular assessment of the effectiveness of student support services for all student demographics, utilizing appropriate metrics and evaluation methods.
Standard V
Standard V
Educational Effectiveness Assessment
Assessment of student learning and achievement demonstrates that the institution’s students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their program of study, degree level, the institution’s mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.
A candidate or accredited institution possesses and demonstrates the following attributes or activities:
1. clearly stated student learning outcomes at the institution and degree/program levels, which are interrelated with one another, with relevant educational experiences, and with the institution’s mission;
2. organized and systematic assessments, conducted by faculty and/or appropriate professionals, evaluating the extent of student achievement of institutional and degree/program goals. Institutions should:
a. define student learning outcomes that are appropriate to higher education with defensible standards for assessing whether students are achieving those outcomes;
b. articulate how they prepare students in a manner consistent with their mission for successful careers, meaningful lives, and, where appropriate, further education. They collect and provide data on the extent to which they are meeting these goals;
c. support and sustain assessment of student learning outcomes and communicate the results of this assessment to stakeholders;
3. consideration and use of disaggregated assessment results for all student populations for the improvement of student learning outcomes, student achievement, and institutional and program-level educational effectiveness;
4. if applicable, adequate and appropriate institutional review and approval of assessment services designed, delivered, or assessed by third-party providers; and
5. periodic assessment of the effectiveness of assessment policies and processes utilized by the institution for the improvement of educational effectiveness.
Standard VI
Standard VI
Strategic Planning, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Enhancement
The institution's strategic planning procedures, resource allocation, and organizational structures are harmonized and adequate to fulfill its mission and objectives, continuously assess and enhance its programs and services, and effectively address emerging opportunities and challenges.
A candidate or accredited institution demonstrates and maintains the following attributes or actions:
Clearly defined institutional and unit objectives that are appropriately assessed, interconnected with the mission and goal attainment, reflective of conclusions drawn from assessment findings, and employed for planning and resource distribution.
Well-documented and openly communicated planning and enhancement processes that foster inclusive participation from constituents.
Planning that encompasses objectives for institutional effectiveness and improvement, emphasizing student achievement, educational outcomes, overall institutional enhancement, and the results of institutional assessments.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion planning that aligns with the institution's mission and objectives, secures adequate resources, and drives institutional advancement.
A financial planning and budgeting process that aligns with the institution's mission and objectives, is informed by evidence, and exhibits clear connections to the strategic plans and objectives of the institution and its units.
Adequate fiscal and human resources, as well as physical and technological infrastructure, to support operations across program delivery formats and locations.
Documented financial resources, funding sources, and strategies for financial development, including contributions from affiliated entities, that are sufficient to uphold the institution's educational missions and programs and ensure financial stability.
A record of responsible fiscal management, encompassing the creation of a multi-year budget and an annual independent audit validating financial viability and sound internal financial controls. This should include evidence of corrective actions taken to address any significant findings noted in the audit or accompanying management letter.
Well-defined, inclusive decision-making processes and clear delineation of roles and responsibilities for achieving institutional and unit effectiveness.
Comprehensive planning for facilities, infrastructure, and technology, incorporating sustainability and addressing deferred maintenance, while being closely aligned with the institution's strategic and financial planning efforts.
Adherence to program responsibilities outlined in existing federal Title IV and state laws and regulations, including mandatory audits of financial aid programs as stipulated by federal and state regulations.
Strategies for evaluating and assessing the adequacy and efficient utilization of institutional resources required to support the institution's mission and objectives.
Periodic assessments of the effectiveness of planning, resource allocation, institutional renewal processes, and resource availability.
Standard VII
Standard VII
Governance, Leadership, and Administration
The institution operates under a governance and administrative framework that enables the realization of its stated mission and goals for the benefit of the institution, its students, and other stakeholders. Whether independently governed or affiliated with related entities, the institution maintains its educational focus and operates autonomously.
A candidate or accredited institution possesses and demonstrates the following attributes or activities:
An explicitly defined and transparent governance structure that delineates roles, responsibilities, and accountability for inclusive decision-making among various stakeholders, including the institution's legally constituted governing body, administration, faculty, staff, students, and any related entities.
A legally constituted governing body that:
a. Serves the public interest, ensuring that the institution clearly articulates and fulfills its mission and goals, bears fiduciary responsibility for the institution, and maintains ultimate accountability for academic quality, integrity, planning, and fiscal health.
b. Exhibits adequate diversity, independence, and expertise to safeguard the institution's integrity. Members must prioritize their responsibilities to the accredited institution, convene regularly, and avoid undue influences from political, financial, or related entities on their governance roles.
c. Does not interfere in the daily operations of the institution.
d. Exercises policy-level oversight over teaching and learning quality, approval of degree programs, degree conferral, personnel policies, by-laws, and ensures sound fiscal management.
e. Plays a fundamental role in financial matters to ensure integrity and strong fiscal management. This may involve timely review of audited financial statements and other documents pertaining to the institution's fiscal stability.
f. Appoints and regularly evaluates the performance of the Chief Executive Officer.
g. Adheres to principles of sound governance in all its operations.
h. Avoids being chaired by a representative from the institution or system to prevent conflicts of interest.
i. Establishes and adheres to a documented conflict of interest policy to ensure the impartiality of the governing body. This policy addresses issues such as compensation for services, contractual relationships, employment, and personal financial interests that could pose conflicts or appear as such. A majority of members must have no employment, familial, ownership, or other personal financial interests in the institution.
j. Supports the Chief Executive Officer in preserving institutional autonomy.
k. Provides accurate, fair, and comprehensive information on all aspects of the institution and its operations to the Commission and ensures consistency in describing itself to all accrediting and regulatory agencies.
Chief Executive Officer:
a. Is appointed by and reports to the governing body, without chairing it.
b. Possesses suitable credentials and professional experience aligned with the institution's mission.
c. Holds the authority and autonomy necessary to fulfill the role, including the development and implementation of institutional plans, resource allocation, staffing, and goal achievement.
d. Is supported by qualified administrators in sufficient numbers to enable effective discharge of duties, including establishing assessment procedures for organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
Administration that possesses or demonstrates:
a. A well-documented organizational structure outlining reporting relationships.
b. Appropriate size and diverse representation, with relevant expertise, to support the Chief Executive Officer in fulfilling responsibilities.
c. Members with credentials and professional experience consistent with their functional roles within the institution's mission.
d. The requisite skills, time, support, technology, and information systems expertise to carry out their duties effectively.
e. Regular engagement with faculty and students to advance institutional goals and objectives.
f. Systematic procedures for evaluating administrative units and utilizing assessment data to enhance operations.
Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of governance, leadership, and administration.